About Me

I migrated from Massachusetts to Charleston, South Carolina in 2017 after graduating with a bachelor's degree in Sociology. Prior to establishing a substantial yoga practice, I was an extremely dedicated band geek and a weight-lifting gym rat. I practiced yoga super casually in college and didn't dive deep into the ancient teachings until I started my yoga teacher training at Holy Cow Yoga Center, 6 days after my relocation.

 I now teach 12 studio classes a week, ranging in style from vinyasa flow, to vin/yin and yin/vin hybrids, to yin. I've also co-created two independent projects (Rising Rhythm and Aurora Yoga) and have dipped my toes into the sound healing realm. To say I'm busy is an understatement, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Sharing yoga allows me to connect with people, myself and the world in ways I never thought possible.

To take a deeper dive into my life,  check out this interview  I had the pleasure of participating in with South Carolina Voyager Magazine.